Oral Hygiene

In order to keep your gums healthy you need to remove the daily build up of plaque from all the surfaces of your teeth by –

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day, for two minutes each time. Ask your dentist which type of tooth brush is best for you, as many of us use brushes that are too hard or too large.
  • Floss your teeth, as a toothbrush doesn’t always reach into the gaps in between the teeth or below the gum line.
  • Do not brush your teeth too hard as this can damage your gums, ask your dentist or hygienist to show you the correct technique
  • Use fluoride toothpaste.

Healthy gums are –

  • Pink in colour
  • No areas of redness or inflammation
  • No bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • No tenderness or discomfort

If the daily build up of plaque is not removed this can lead to the first stages of gum disease ‘Gingivitis’

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is caused by sticky bacteria which are known as ‘plaque’. Plaque collects in the small gaps between the gums and the teeth and if not removed by regular brushing & flossing will multiply by feeding on sugars found in your food and drink. This can lead to –

  • Bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • Soreness or discomfort
  • Appear red in colour, puffy or swollen

Bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth is the earliest and most common sign of gingivitis. Gingivitis is reversible if treated by a hygienist or by improved brushing and flossing techniques. However, if left untreated you will develop the later stages of gum disease, which is known as ‘Periodontal Disease’.

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal Disease is the later stages of gum disease. This is when the bacteria infection under the gums progresses deeper and affects the bone and tissue supporting the tooth.

Healthy gums are –

  • Bleed when brushing or flossing.
  • Will be red, swollen and tender.
  • Bad Breath.
  • The gum will have pulled away from the tooth, this is called ‘Pocketing’
  • Pus may be seen in the pockets around the tooth.

The infection damages the tissue that connects the gum to the roots of the tooth. Once the tissue has been destroyed the gum pulls away from the tooth, this forms a pocket which bacteria thrive in. If not treated, in time the bone anchoring the teeth in the jaw will dissolve, making the teeth loose and eventually the teeth will fall out

Periodontal disease is irreversible, but you can slow down the progression by regular visits to the Dentist and Hygienist also improving your oral hygiene at home.

The best way to maintain good oral hygiene is to brush and floss your teeth and to visit your dentist for regularly. Your dentist not only examines your teeth for signs of decay or damage, he also looks for early signs of gum disease and oral cancer.

It is normally recommended that you visit your dentist twice a year, although people who have severe gum disease or a weakened immune system may need to visit the dentist more often.

Your dentist will first ask if there have been any problems since your last dental check up and take a note of any new medication that you may be taking.

At your check up your dentist will :

  • Check for early signs of decay or breakages
  • Check existing restorations
  • Look at your gums for early signs of gum disease – this will be done using a probe which is gently placed between the tooth and your gum to determine the stage of gum disease
  • Examine your tongue, throat, cheeks & lips for signs of oral cancer
  • Examine jaw joint evaluation

X-rays of your teeth are usually taken every two to three years, unless your dentist notices a problem and needs an X-ray to look inside the tooth.

Occasionally, patients are referred to other dentists who specialise in the relevant fields of dentistry.

If cavities are found or your dentist feels that your oral hygiene needs to be improved, he will create a treatment plan outlining the work to be carried out and the costing; you will then need to make an appointment for the necessary treatment.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in food and water which helps to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay, by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque and sugars. If fluoride is lacking from the diet, the teeth will be prone to tooth decay and cavities.

The hard outer surface of the tooth is called ‘enamel’, which contains mineral crystals. Everyday plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth attack the enamel causing it to weaken. This process is called ‘demineralisation’. Minerals such as fluoride, calcium and phosphate from the food and water we consume and the toothpaste we use, helps to strengthen the enamel. This process is called ‘remineralisation’. Fluoride speeds up the remineralisation process.

Fluoride intake is very important when teeth are developing; it can be taken into the body in two ways –

  • The food and drink we consume or supplements.
  • Fluoride toothpaste, mouthwashes or when applied directly to the teeth by the dentist or hygienist.

Fluoride treatments are offered to children who have a number of cavities or are at high risk of developing cavities. Adults can benefit too. Fluoride treatment is a very simple process administered by the dentist or dental hygienist which helps to prevent tooth decay.

The Treatment

  • The teeth will be cleaned to remove any food debris, staining.
  • A high concentrate fluoride foam or gel is placed into an arch shaped dental tray which is inserted over the teeth and left for the required time. Alternatively, a fluoride varnish is painted on to the tooth surface.
  • Nothing should be eaten or drunk for 30 minutes after the treatment to allow the fluoride to penetrate the teeth.

Fluoride supplements are available; please speak to the dentist to see which supplement is best for you or your child.

Make an

with a Sydney CBD dentist today

Whether you’re a new or returning patient, our team of Sydney dentists look forward to seeing you at Sydney Dental Surgeons. Our Sydney CBD dental clinic is conveniently located at 135 Macquarie Street, close to Martin Place train station. Bus stops and secure paid parking are available on Macquarie Street.

Call our friendly team on (02) 9221 1530 for more information about our clinic or to schedule a visit.